News Update April 03, 2015 at 06:14AM

Apple bought multi-model database vendor FoundationDB, and they promptly have taken it off the market. Here’s the open-source competitor – OrientDB. Document database with graph database engine, supports SQL queries and transactions. Read the rest here


News Update March 31, 2015 at 09:01AM

SEC: Private companies can now raise $50 Million from non-accredited investors. Bubble, here we come. Don’t forget that you are getting into illiquid investments. There is a large chance that your investment will become a big fat 0. So better…


News Update March 25, 2015 at 09:01AM

Specialist or Jack-of-All-Trades? The Answer’s Obvious to Me. Exactly, applies to developers as well, don’t put yourself in a box, there are many different ways to solve a problem and if you only know one language/framework/platform – everything is a…